Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Behaviour of Ritz Carlton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organizational Behaviour of Ritz Carlton - Essay Example s the vast potential of demographic and cultural diversity among people and accepts the imprint of globalization on everyday living and organizational competitiveness. (Hunt, et al 2004)1 Previously managerial decisions were mostly directed towards organizations objective while addressing concerns like production, sales and marketing with little attention towards the people working in the organization which is rightly mentioned by Harris et al (2001)2 and (Hunt et al, 2004). It is further stated that progressive workplaces presently are looking and acting differently from those of the past with new approach towards customers and client markets. There are competitions from all corners and the company has to meet the demand and expectations of the customer. (Hunt et al, 2004) In view of the above, the present global environment asks for more commitment, skills and ability to tackle the challenges effectively which can be possible only through changes, individually and institutionally, to keep pace with dynamic and complex environment. The present paper aims to critically examine leadership and management styles adopted by the management of Ritz Carlton during the period of change, their nature of team motivation and policies to achieve high performance. The approach for the present research is qualitative methodological approach relying only on secondary data from online sources, books and journals which were earlier published. The view points and interviews of senior managers of Ritz Carlton Hotels have been collected for the purpose of this research to identify the management and leadership styles during the change , their strategies for employee and team motivation and policies to achieve better quality of service. Ritz Carlton has a long history which goes back to 1898 when the founder of the industry Cesar Ritz moved to Paris working in finest hotels and restaurants and later opening London’s Carlton Hotel setting the stage for Ritz Carlton Company. The

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