Thursday, November 21, 2019

The experiments involving women in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birth Essay

The experiments involving women in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birth Mark and Rapaccini's Daughter using as foil The Oval Por - Essay Example Hawthorne build a formidable relationship with women characters, in which case he had to inspire many who appear in his fiction, and he had a relationship with women who had some influence in his life, which includes Margaret Fuller among others. Therefore, Hawthorne plays a crucial role in having to think about women and their confronting of the American men and society. Therefore, this paper will embark on the experiments that involve women in Nathaniels Hawthorne, â€Å"the birth mark† and the â€Å"Rapaccini’s daughter† (Wright). A substance analysis of Hawthorne’s women from the many tales demonstrates the way the Hawthorne uses the women as the objects of warning about the consequences of the fear of men. Analyzing the â€Å"The Birth Mark†, Hawthorne tries to introduce the Georgina character, in which case her sole flaw is the birthmark that was on her face. Everything else is perfect, but the flaw that existed was this only birthmark. The hu sband of Aylmer likes science, and he goes on to suggest that he should try to remove the birthmark. When he was through with the experiment, he goes ahead to announce that the experiment was successful. Having done this, Georgina, in which case she had some characteristics of evil possession, dies because her husband had the insistence on trying to deform nature. Aylmer also has the evil flaw, in which case he is persistence to get rid of the birthmark (Wright). Hawthorne has had to create characters with malevolent or the evil characteristics to the reader an allegorical meaning. To some extent, he may be targeting the women without the justification. Plainly, Hawthorne has had to target the women and the men equally in his works. For instance, in his works of, â€Å"Rappaccini’s daughter†, Hawthorne uses Beatrice to be the carrier of deadly poison, in which case men is in use in transmitting the evil. Then men in use have their own flaws, in which case it contribute s to the mistakes of women in their works. II. A There is the possibility of interpreting the Georgiana’s sexuality when interpreting the birthmark because Hawthorne works seem to have sexual undercurrent. In the hallmark, Georgiana tries to consider Aylmer to be his master, which is why she is caring about Aylmer’s opinion of her. Aylmer considers the imperfection in the Georgiana’s face and has the confidence of the nature due to his likes of science he plans to remove the imperfection from her face. He persuades her to remove the imperfection in order that they feel happy together. Aylmer then guides Georgiana into the laboratory, in which case it includes beautiful rooms and Aylmer finally succeeds in removing the imperfections. However, Georgiana, in which case she has had to dream, dies. From the two characters, Georgiana and Aylmer, it is quite clear that the birthmark epitomizes natural beauty containing imperfection and explores the hubris of science an d art in an attempt to perfect what the nature offers. In addition, there is the revelation of discomfort and fascination with the power of women’s sexuality, in which case it can make a man pursue anything, including endangering a woman’s life, diminishing it (Wright). Aylmer aims at removing the birthmark in Georgiana’s face that made her imperfect. Aylmer wanted to make her to be perfect in order that they

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