Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Memories Of My Childhood Memories Essay - 1127 Words

My earliest childhood memory is of the first time I met my mother in person when I was four. A beautiful woman whose personality seemed to glow from her. I had seen a picture of her before then I was told by Mummy Dada, my aunt, so I knew her on sight. The woman I saw walk in the room as I watched from my grandfather’s lap seemed effervescent. She floated from person to person at the family reunion like an angel. My mother is one of thirteen children my grandpa has. My brother cousin wanted to play tag but my grandfather wanted me to stay put. Let me clarify, the term â€Å"brother cousin† is to describe my cousin that I had thought was my brother because we were raised as brother and sister. I was conflicted as to what I should do but eventually I choose to stay put for a little while. Within a few minutes I couldn’t help myself, I hopped off grandpa’s lap and went to play tag. It was my favorite game to play, I just knew it was. When it was my turn to g ive chase I ran around in an unladylike manner trying to catch one of my brother cousins. They were always too fast and out of reach. I didn’t even attempt to catch any of my older cousins because I thought that they would be too fast for me to catch. Besides, I was only used to playing with the boys. I ran so fast in my shiny white patent leather shoes that I missed catching my twin brother cousin, Jerry. The term â€Å"twin brother cousin† refers to the â€Å"brother cousin† who had the same birthday as I did. The smooth bottoms of myShow MoreRelatedMy Memories Of My Childhood Memories864 Words   |  4 PagesMany of my fondest childhood memories involved a stuffed lamb doll and one of my grandfather s old stethoscopes. Ever the precocious seven-year-old, I would often stand beside my grandfather while he examined his patients. Watching him carefully, I mimicked his every move, an act that rarely failed to pull a laugh out of even the sickest of patients. Eve n in these moments of childhood play, though, I noticed the sheer joy and relief that his healing hands had the capacity to bring to the sufferingRead MoreMy Memories : My Childhood Memories1999 Words   |  8 PagesI will be comparing my childhood and my friend A childhood memories. My childhood is full of memories. Some are good and some are bad, but generally speaking I would classify most of them as good, throughout my childhood there has been a word my parents always use to say every time I fell and hurt myself which was â€Å"you will forget when you grow up† it was true I really have forgotten. I had two young, funny, happily married parents, a lovely younger sister, and an extended family that lived closeRead MoreMy Memories : My Childhood Memories840 Words   |  4 Pagesthat we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle Onassis Many of my fondest childhood memories involved a stuffed lamb doll and one of my grandfather s old stethoscopes. As a precocious seven-year-old, I would often stand beside my grandfather while he examined his patients. Watching him carefully, I mimicked his every move, an act that rarely failed to pull a laugh out of even the sickest of patients. Even in these moments of childhood play, I noticed the sheer joy and relief that his healing handsRead MoreMy Memories Of My Childhood867 Words   |  4 Pagesunique to the owner. People bestow special value of some objects according to an experience, emotion or hidden message associated with them. I have a chest with treasures and so far they are my childhood, my youth and my adulthood memories of good and challenging that are most charitable to me. My childhood was fun and unforgettable, as I had lots of neighbors to play with from morning till dark. We played games outdoors and rode our bicycles happily. The undeveloped wood behind our home providedRead MoreMy Memories Of My Childhood959 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"I want to go back In those childhood days, not to change anything but to feel few things twice.†- M S Dhoni . The experiences of my past are undeniable. It goes without saying that my childhood was more than just a learning salient experience. Those are my greatest memories! This is an essay is not only on my childhood, but also about the lessons I have learned throughout my childhood, It was an unforgettable experience of fear, shame, pain, loss, freedom, forgiveness, happiness, kindness, emotionsRead MoreMemories Of My Childhood829 Words   |  4 PagesMy memory of my childhood is fuzzy at best, probably like most people. There are many important events in my early life I cannot remember, like the events of September 11, 2001, or the first day of kindergarten. I also do not remember much of my musical life prior to middle school. My family was not a musical family. We did not constantly play music in our house, if we ever really did. Nor did my parents very often put on albums that they loved from their younger years. Music mostly seemed cosignedRead MoreChildhood Memories Of My Childhood1046 Words   |  5 PagesSome of my fondest childhood memories are of camping trips my parents would take me on starting at a very young age. These memories consist of walking a dark forest trail in the middle of the night, black bags hanging from the hands of all the young children with hopes of catching the mysterious snipe that had been roaming the woods, gathering around warm fires on cool nights with people you barely know and hearing out their past adventures, hoping to one day to take their place with adventurousRead MoreMy Childhood Memories800 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I was little, I used to be attached to my grandparents. My grandparents used to live next to my family in Puerto Rico. When I was a little girl, my sister and I we loved to spend the whole day with my grandparents at their house. The reasons we loved to spend the rest of the day in my grandparents’ house was their food and the coffee. My grandmother used to make good food, and every time I ate I would lick my fingers. Another reason that I love my grandparents were the way they taught us howRead MoreMy Memories Of My Childhood1109 Words   |  5 PagesLooking back at my childhood, I suppose you could say it was pretty difficult. Even at my happiest, I was living with a foster family, separated from the rest of my biological relatives. However, I couldn’t complain. I loved them like they were my family that I spent my whole life with. I was a five-year-old boy living a happy life. I had grown attached to the family, feeling like I was truly a part of it. Then one cold November day it all changed. A woman dressed in black came to my home I had grownRead MoreMy Childhood Memory979 Words   |  4 Pagesme, and was quite disgusting. I was the youngest, and being the only girl, I was often picked on by the older two. My ideas were often consider irrelev ant, and because they never listened, we got into more trouble than necessary. I looked up at the trees, when I saw what looked like a car. â€Å"Hey guys,† I said as I stood up from the log, elongating my arm and pointer finger at my discovery. The boys eyes grew in amazement. â€Å"Is that a car?!† Roy asked flabbergasted. Timmy took off running for

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